Month: November 2014

London p3

Here are a few piccys from my last few days in London. I already want to go back… And maybe live there too… 😉

Seeing Westminster Abbey and the surrounds was AMAZING!!! Hello! There’s so much history in one place. It’s quite mind blowing.

London p2

We visited the Queen and drank cups of tea!

Spent hours getting lost in Harrods…

And ate super spicy Japanese food in Soho!

London, you are wonderful.



Where to start?!

Here’s what I’ve learnt after two days in London town.


En route to London

We left the Gold Coast on Friday the 21st of November for an adventure on the other side of the world! (more…)

G20 sets Brisbane’s sight back on the world stage

Foreign eyes looking at Australia tend to gaze on the architectural brilliance of Sydney and the cosmopolitan city of Melbourne as the crown jewels of Australia. But in the south-east corner of Queensland lies the pair’s somewhat forgotten cousin, Brisbane.
